DCFGCon19 Closing Drum Circle
Ode to DCFG
Cameron Tummel

‘Twas once upon a time in days of old,
Long before good rhythms filled our lands,
Before facilitation saved our souls,
Back when the only drummers were in bands.

Long before we learned “facilitation,”
You had to be a teacher or a pro.
Rare indeed were any invitations
To jam on drums with anyone you know.

There were drums and drummers everywhere
On recordings, in clinics, concerts, schools,
So many rhythms, ready to be shared,
All we needed were new methods and new tools.

Our DCFG roots are deep and strong
And life is best when we all play along.

Then Arthur came along and broke the mold.
He showed us that we can all get along.
He taught us to avoid the rules of old,
And that, the more the better, we are strong.

The crazy man in the flat hat and vest
How masterfully he helped us drum our song.
We all felt we could all play at our best.
He spoke, he joked, we laughed, we drummed along.

He told us we were good enough. Just fine.
He named most of the terms we all speak with.
The universal truths of sharing time,
Techniques to empower and to uplift.

Our DCFG roots are deep and strong
And life is best when we all play along.

Of all the people Arthur has inspired,
There were three who were so deeply impressed,
Arthur lit all our founding members’ fires
Jaqui and Jonathon and Ken said, YES.

“Yes” to advisors, and to membership,
“Yes” to red tape and taxes and expense,
A board of directors to guide the ship,
A president, website, THIS CONFERENCE.

They made this organization for us,
For professional DCFs to thrive.
A place to share and learn in open forums,
An active, connected, pro online tribe.

Our DCFG roots are deep and strong
And life is best when we all play along.

We remember her story, his-tory.
Where would we be without Nellie? Hear, hear!
And Roger’s years of service, without glory,
Or Greg Whitt’s contributions every year?!

Look ‘round, dear friends, at all us gathered here…
Recognize yourself and all you bring.
Each of us, eyes shining, radiant, clear,
All of us connected in the ring.

And as we transition from then to now,
As I now pass the presidential torch,
To Jamie, and to all of you, I bow.
I’m honored by our collective good fortune.

Our DCFG roots are deep and strong
And life is best when we all play along.

Blessed be the JOY we all create
In all our circles, everywhere we play.
Blessed be the HEALTH that resonates
In everyone who plays our drums and games.

Blessed be the LOVE that we all make
Every time we gather with our drums.
Inclusive love, inclusive love so great
That no one is excluded from the fun.

Yes, let there be a drum in every home
And let the royal rumpus thunder on!
May no one ever feel that they’re alone
May everyone share drums and dance and songs!

Our DCFG roots are deep and strong
And life is best when we all play along.